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News 2009 News 2008 News 2007 News 2006 News 2005 News 2004 |
December 16, 2008 Some group photos from our Fall trip to the Whiteshell area (all taken with permission)
December 13, 2008 Don't forget that today at 1pm we have an impromptu "film only" shoot at the St Boniface Cathedral. December 10, 2008 New event: "Don's Photo: WPC Customer appreciation night" - Friday, December 19th from 6-8pm, Don's Photo on Portage. Feel free to stop by any time. The Don's Photo WPC Customer appreciation night is an annual event that Don's throws for us where they invite in the local reps from several companies and give away random schwag and let us check out their newest and coolest gear! Confirmed reps that will be there that evening: -Nikon -Sigma, Sandisk, IQ digital frames It would be a good time to get some Christmas ideas or even get some shopping done! December 8, 2008 Don't forget that tonight, Monday night December 8th is our monthly meeting/Christmas party withover $1200 worth of gifts from Santa Don, Santa Henry and Santa Photo Central! (Some prizes may be for contributing members only) Also we're doing a Secret Santa print exchange so feel free to print off some 8x10's and bring them in to exchange! Hope to see you all there! December 4, 2008 ![]() This is a tim elapse video from the opening of our Club Gallery #2: December 3, 2008 ![]() Event portraits of most of the artists from our Club Gallery #2 November 30, 2008 Don't forget that tonight, Nov 30, 7pm at PrairieView is Dave B's slide show/presentation on his trips and workshops with Freeman Patterson and Andre Galant. This promises to be a great learning experience. As always, this event is free and all are welcome to attend including brand new members. November 28, 2008 Tonight is our GALA GRAND OPENING EVENT for the "Best of the WPC Gallery Show!" All are welcome and encouraged to attend, as always the event and gallery are free and you're welcome to bring friends and family. 6:30-8:30pm, November 28th, at Photo Central, 499 Notre Dame November 22, 2008 The WPC has been invited by the publisher of The Cottager to participate in their photo contest: Click for larger image ![]() November 18, 2008 Congratulations to all of the winners of the WPC/Photo Central gallery show! All of the winners are listed in the official winners thread: WPC Gallery Show #2 winners! Don't forget to get your photos printed and mounted ASAP. Please see the contest thread for mounting specs etc. November 15, 2008 Only TWO days left to enter your photos to be a part of the second WPC Gallery showing at Photo Central! Check the contest and assignments forum for more details. November 14, 2008 Don's invitation to WPC members for a Canon 5DMKII preview event! ![]() November 11, 2008 WPC in the news: This Thursday in the TAB section of the WPF the "Uniquely Manitoba" photo contest will be featured in a large ad. November 3, 2008 Congratulations to the winners of the "Uniquely Manitoba" contest. The first ever cross club event/contest for all of the photo clubs in Manitoba: 1st - Dave B. 2nd - Kim O. 3rd - Chris G. Please see the following gallery for the winning photos and top 22 honourable mentions: "Uniquely Manitoba" contest winners & honourable mentions gallery (The entries are named by photographer when you click on the thumbnails) There where 59 participants with members from each club who totalled an impressive 158 entries. We look forward to our next collaborative effort with all of the other clubs! November 3, 2008 Don't forget our monthly meeting tonight - 6:30pm at the Pony Corral Downtown Tonight we are announcing the winners from the "Uniquely Manitoba" photo contest and announcing TWO NEW CONTESTS including a contest where members will be invited to submit their photos and participate in a club gallery! November 1, 2008 Thanks to everyone who submitted photos for the "Uniquely Manitoba" photo contest! Our final tally is 59 members (with entrants from all four Manitoba camera clubs) who entered 158 photos in total. Judging will take place today and results will be released on Monday at the WPC monthly meeting. October 29, 2008 Just a reminder that there is less than TWO DAYS LEFT to submit your photos for the "Uniquely Manitoba" photo contest. Get your entries in ASAP! For full contest rules and details please see the official contest thread here: "Uniquely Manitoba" Photo Contest October 26, 2008 Tonight's workshop has been postponed. Please see the Events page for more WPC events. October 20, 2008 Thanks to everyone who made it out for the WPC Workflow Workshop. After having to take chairs from two other classrooms we finally where able to get enough chairs for the 35+ people that came out. October 14, 2008 Don't forget that this coming Sunday, October 19th at 7pm is the WPC's Workflow for Photographers Workshop at the PrairieView School of Photography. -Workflow guru Dan H. will be presenting his workflow in both RAW and JPG and talking about everything from copying files to sizing them for web and print as well as backing up. -Lightroom magician Bob W. was kind enough to offer to show us his workflow with Lightroom and has an extremely involved look at the program itself planned. Be sure to join us for all the tips and tricks! A must attend for those wanting to submit to the UNIQUELY MANITOBA photo contest but who don't yet know how to size their photos for print! The doors close shortly after 7pm so don't be late! *We are still looking for someone to present a workshop on workflow with Aperture. If you would like to help out please contact Dan. October 3, 2008 Don't forget that this coming Monday, October 6 is our general meeting with the theme of "digital slide shows." So throw your best work into a slide show presentation on your lap top (or other display device) over the weekend and bring it on down to the meeting! (Lots of table space available) *Also don't forget to bring in prints or any other cool photo stuff! October 3, 2008 For those interested I have included a photo count on the side bar on this page to show how many submissions we have received for the "Uniquely Manitoba" photo contest. *For our last contest, the mass of entries came in in the last two days so get your photos in ASAP! October 1, 2008 Manitoba Camera Clubs UNITE! for the "Uniquely Manitoba" photo contest An initiative of the WPC - sponsored by Don's Photo ![]() (Click for a larger image) *For more details on how to submit to the contest please check out the information on our forum here: "Uniquely Manitoba" Photo Contest Thank you very much and good luck to all the members of each club! September 26, 2008 Don't forget that THIS weekend we have another TWO club events: 1) Saturday Sept 27: Club photo shoot: Whiteshell 2) Sunday Sept 28: Workshop: ICC colour profiling with Joe K. & critique session More information on the Events page and in the Events forum September 17, 2008 Don't forget that this weekend we have TWO club events: 1) Saturday Sept 20: Club photo shoot: Pembina Valley 2) Sunday Sept 21: Workshop "Photoshop for Photographers" More information on the Events page and in the Events forum September 15, 2008 Our September meeting was one of the best attended WPC events ever with 40 or more people in attendance. Pictures from the meeting: Thanks to moderator DaveB for taking these!
September 11, 2008 Today marks the four year anniversary of the club! It was on this day four years ago that the URL became active and when the club became public. There where also several more important anniversary events in September including the major decision to create an online forum for the club on September 26th 2004 which has lead to the Winnipeg Photo Club becoming the most popular online photo club resource for photographers in Winnipeg! September 10, 2008 I am pleased to announce a slew of new club events: -September 15 - WPGphoto monthly club meeting -September 21 - WPGphoto workshop: Digital manipulation with Photoshop and more -September 28 - WPGphoto workshop: Critiques -October 1-31 - WPGphoto/Don's Photo: Photo clubs of Manitoba unite: Photo contest -October 19 - WPGphoto workshop: TBA -October 26 - WPGphoto workshop: TBA -November 28-January 2: WPGphoto Club Gallery #2 at Photo Central September 7, 2008 Our monthly meeting has been moved to September 15th. Please see the Events area of the web site or forum for more details. September 2, 2008 Congratulations to Winnipeg Photo Club: "Don't play it safe" contest winner Joe K! You can see all the entries including Joe's in the Contest forum. August 31, 2008 Only two days left to get your entries in to the WPGphoto "Don't play it safe" photo contest. Please see this thread for full details. August 17, 2008 After over a year of planning I'm happy to finally announce the "WPGphoto Lending Library" a tool for members to loan everything from DVDs of previously recorded club presentations to their own books and gear. Take a look at the brand new utility on the forum! Thanks to Chris from Tapper Cuddy law firm for all the legal help! August 13, 2008 The WPGphoto "Legalities of Photography" workshop was a huge success boasting our largest attendance of 36 breaking the old record of the free model workshop! Huge thanks go out to both Chris and Jason from Tapper Cuddy for putting on such a great presentation packed with pertinent information for photographers. For anyone who missed this presentation I video taped it and it will be available in the WPGphoto lending library soon. Here is a photo from the event: ![]() Click for a larger image August 10, 2008 Don't forget that our monthly workshop is Tuesday night! Tuesday August 12, 2008 is our monthly monthly workshop, this month featuring: "The legalities of photography" presented by two lawyers from the law firm Tapper Cuddy. Check the Events page for more details. August 3, 2008 Don't forget that our monthly club meeting is tomorrow night! Monday August 4, 2008 is our monthly meeting. Check the Events page for more details. August 1, 2008 A new national photo contest has been added to the Events page. July 19, 2008 ![]() WPGphoto now has our own lighting diagram! There have been a lot of people who have been using multiple forms of showing their lighting setups lately (including Paint) so now we have our own personalized lighting diagram setup chart that you can use in JPG or PSD format. Check the Tutorials Tips and Tricks section of the forum for the free lighting diagram in JPG and PSD format! July 14, 2008 Don't forget that our monthly meeting is tonight! -Date: Monday, July14, 2008 -Time: 7pm (official meeting start) You can also join us for dinner starting at 6pm -Location: Pony Corral Downtown - 444 St. Mary - Courtyard Don't forget to bring your newest shots, gear and lap top slide show presentations. July 9, 2008 For all you who have been salivating for a new meeting to meet up with everyone and show us your new work here are the details: -Date: Monday, July14, 2008 -Time: 7pm (official meeting start) You can also join us for dinner starting at 6pm -Location: Pony Corral Downtown - 444 St. Mary - Courtyard Don't forget to bring your newest shots, gear and lap top slide show presentations. June 19, 2008 MPAX opens today! The Manitoba Photographic Art Expo opens today, Thursday June 19 at the Forks and will run until Sunday June 22. There is lots to see and do: -Check out the multitude of photo displays by local artists -Attend a keynote or workshop -Participate any one of the the photo contests So get down to the Forks and take in the photographicness of the event! June 10, 2008 Thanks to everyone who attended last night's meeting. As usual we had good numbers, about 25 people (which is funny since the event poll only showed that 11 where planning on coming). Thanks also to Mark for taking the group shot: ![]() Click to enlarge June 9, 2008 Tonight, June 9th, is our monthly workshop! This month's theme is: Strobist & DIY projects and Lens Tests by Dan Harper. Please see the Events page for more details and also see this thread in the Events forum. June 2, 2008 Don't forget our monthly meeting tonight! -Date: Monday, June 2, 2008 -Time: 7pm (official meeting start) You can also join us for dinner starting at 6pm -Location: Pony Corral Downtown - 444 St. Mary - Courtyard After the meeting: Film only shoot: Sunset at Birds Hill Park For all our film shooters, pull out your most saturated film and let's head out to Birds Hill Park for a sunset shoot. We'll leave from the Pony just after the meeting and meet up in BHP at the entrance at 8:30pm. (Ok fine, you digital people can come too, but you're only allowed to take 36 photos. =-> ) May 31, 2008 Photos from the club shoot at Steep Rock, Manitoba ![]() Click to enlarge ![]() Click to enlarge May 24, 2008 As of 4:47pm Central time the forums have now been completely retrieved and are back online. Thanks to Greg at CanWebHost for all his hard work! May 23, 2008 Photos from tonight's sunset and starscape shoot at Grand Beach:
May 23, 2008 The club's ISP is now fairly confident that they will be able to recover the forum database and we are just waiting to see what happens. May 22, 2008 WPGphoto Event: This Friday, May 23rd, (weather permitting) we will be going out to the West Beach area of Grand Beach in order to shoot the sunset and starscapes. For anyone who wants to drive out as a group (or who may need a ride) we will be meeting at 7pm at the St Boniface Cathedral and then driving out to Grand Beach. For event updates please send an e-mail to submissions. May 21, 2008 WPGphoto.com hit by lightning! To our shock and amazement on May 20th, the data center down in Atlanta, which houses the WPGphoto.com web servers was hit by lightning. Sadly, the backup system was in the same place as the main servers so we are waiting to see if the four years worth of amazing posts from our hundreds of members and all the club history therein will be recovered. Until then the forums will remain offline. Sadly no one could have foreseen this act of God but it's a good lesson to be careful and to try to shut your computer off during lightning storms. Please bear with us as we wait in anticipation of news on the forums, one way or another we will have forums back online very soon! May 14, 2008 A photo from our club workshop "Shooting live performances": ![]() Click for a larger image May 13, 2008 A photo from our monthly club meeting tonight: ![]() Click for a larger image May 6, 2008 A new workshop has just been announced: "Shooting live performance" to be put on by WPGphoto member & lighting technician exrtordinaire Hugh C. (Citizen Joe on the forum). This workshop will take place on May the 14th and has a limit of 12 photographers. Please see the Events section of the forum for more details. April 18, 2008 Tonight, April 18th, we are going to Grand Beach (West Beach area) for an impromptu sunset/starscape shoot. Everyone is welcome to join. We will be there from 7:30pm-1am. April 12, 2008 Our next club meeting is Tuesday, May 13th. Details are still in the works but this will be a shooting event, likely just outside of Winnipeg. April 2, 2008 There is a job listing in the "Employment" forum for three sports photographers. Please see the "Employment" forum for more details. March 11, 2008 Several new events have just been planned: -Thursday March 20: Movie night! -Thursday March 27: Photoshop workshop -Monday April 7: Monthly club meeting> This month the meeting is themed: Macro (we will be shooting macros such as water drops and smoke as a mini workshop at the meeting) Please see the events page for more details. March 7, 2008 The grand opening of the WPGphoto club gallery was a HUGE success! Thanks to everyone who came out! For anyone who couldn't make it out to the grand opening event you can visit the gallery until March the 28th, 2008. -See photos of the artists here -Click here for the time-lapse video of the grand opening March 6, 2008 Don't forget that tonight is the grand opening event of our first ever club gallery held at Photo Central from 6-8pm. The club gallery show is then open until March 28th, 2008. Everyone is invited! Please see the events page for more details. March 3, 2008 This is a 360 degree panoramic photo from the March 2008 club meeting which became a panoramic workshop so I thought it was an appropriate image for this month. ![]() Click for a larger image This pano was set up and shot in under a minute since photographers can never stand still and also put together quickly with no image modifications so there are stitching and ghosting problems but it's still a fun group shot! You can also see a wider QTVR of this by clicking here. February 22, 2008 Don't forget that Thursday, February 28th is our monthly workshop, this month featuring Photoshoppery. Please see the events page for more details. February 5, 2008 Photos from last night's club meeting: "The Scene" ![]() ![]() "Posers": ![]() February 4, 2008 Don't forget that tonight is our monthly club meeting. Please see the events page for more details. January 27, 2008 Don't forget that tonight, Monday, January 28, 7pm is our monthly club movie night, this month featuring "The Impassioned Eye: A movie about Henri Cartier-Bresson" considered to be the father of modern photojournalism. We had 36 people out to our last meeting and are hoping to outdo that this time. *Remember, there is no fee to the club, nor is there a fee to attend the events and everyone is welcome especially new members. Hope to see you all there! January 22, 2008 Announcing the WPGphoto.com's Best of Manitoba Contest/Gallery show WPGphoto and Photo Central are presenting the chance for up to 40 club members to display one of their photographs at our first club gallery show which will be held at Photo Central in March 2008. Rules: -You may submit up to three (3) photos max per photographer -Only one photo max per photographer will be displayed in the gallery show -Photos must have been taken in Manitoba -Photos can be of any style of photography (landscape, portrait, etc) -Photos can be horizontal or vertical in orientation -Photos can have any amount of digital manipulation How to submit: -Submit a maximum of three low res photos to submissions@wpgphoto.com (1440x1152px or 1728x1152px @ 72 DPI please see more on sizing below) -Please submit photos by February 8, 2008 -Please include your real name, forum name and the title and location of the photo Information: -Photos will be judged by WPGphoto.com president Dan H. and Bram from PC on the standard photographic elements (composition, lighting etc) -A maximum of 40 photos will be chosen to be displayed -If one of your photos is chosen to be in the club show, you will be asked to have it printed from 8"x10" to 24"x16" on black gator foam and drop it off at a club meeting or at Photo Central before March 5, 2008 -The gallery show opens on the 7th of March, 2008 (when we will be having an opening event) and will end on the 28th of March 2008 when you can pick your photos up at PC January 18, 2008 An html version of the 2005 "Home made ring flash" tutorial has been produced and updated and is in the Tutorials section. January 17, 2008 Thanks to everyone who came out to the free model, flash & studio lighting workshop. Some photos from the shoot by moderator Dave B. ![]() Click for a larger image ![]() Click for a larger image January 17, 2008 Don't forget that our first ever WPGphoto free model shoot, flash and studio lighting workshop is tonight! January 11, 2008 The 2008 WPGphoto club calendar is now available for free download in the Goodies area. Thanks to all who submitted photos! January 10, 2008 The January workshop has now been confirmed for a flash and studio lighting workshop by none other than our own lighting Jedi Dan Harper! He will start by showing you different options for gear and then the whole second half of the seminar is for you to shoot. January 9, 2008 IMPORTANT: The forum software is being upgraded today and you may experience intermittent connections or error messages during the upgrade. This is normal and the upgrade should be complete by the early afternoon. Thanks for your patience! January 6, 2008 Don't forget that our first meeting of the new year is January 7, 2008! January 1, 2008 Happy New Year to all our members and friends! Thanks to everyone who attended the club shoot of the fireworks display. I hope you liked your gift! (Other club members will receive theirs at our first club meeting of 2008) |
This site was made, is maintained and is © 2011, all rights reserved by Dan Harper Photography. |